Raising a kid is a fun but equally
challenging experience to any parent. With your guidance, your kid should be
equipped with good habits to shape their behavior and character for successful
growth into adulthood. The best way to teach your child good habits goes way
beyond telling them the do’s and don’ts at such a young age. It takes your attentiveness
at being a role model and guidance to ensure that your kid builds these good
A list of good habits for kids:
- Eating healthy foods
- Teach Your Child How To Clean Up After Themselves
- Teach Your Child Communication Skills And Good Manners
- Enforce High Standards Of Hygiene
- Sleeping On Time
- Encourage Outdoor Games
- Developing Responsible Financial Planning
- Avoid Littering In Public Spaces
- Teach Your Child To Adopt Safe Practices
- Practicing A Sharing Mentality
Below, I have broken down and explain why these are important good habits you should teach your kid. Hopefully, these habits will help you build your kid’s behavior and character. When cultivated, they can go a long way in your kid’s growth. Throughout your kid’s life, these good habits will become the foundation that help them grow into fulfilled adults with meaningful lives.
1) Eating healthy foods
It’s a no-brainer that eating healthy foods
can yield remarkable physical and mental results for your kid. Healthy foods
consist of balanced diets such as carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and
vegetables proven to provide vital vitamins such as A, B, C, and D. These
vitamins play a critical role in promoting brain development, bone formation
and to keep obesity at bay. So, the next time you are shopping with your kid,
consider buying them a fruit salad instead of junk food.
Also, it’s important to educate your kid
about the benefits of consuming healthy foods from an early age. Such
information provided at an early age gives them insights into how junk foods
contribute to lifestyle diseases and their subsequent effects.
You can also use your free time as a
bonding session with your kid by preparing home-made smoothies to wean them out
of junk food cravings. Slowly, this can guide them towards more healthy eating
2) Teach Your Child How To Clean Up After Themselves
Hygiene is of the utmost importance when
you are raising your kid into a responsible adult. It’s always an excellent
idea to encourage your child to clean up their own mess. This practice instils
a sense of responsibility and consideration for others.
You can start from simple behaviors, such
as teaching your kid to bathe or wash utensils without supervision. This
practice makes it easier to allocate your kid with light household chores
especially when you are absent to provide supervision. By training your kid to
wash utensils or bathe by oneself, they are in a unique position to accept more
responsibilities, as a result of a matured state of mind.
You can also allocate 15 minutes a day to
ensure that your kid organizes their toys and reading materials neatly.
Importantly, you should consider rewarding them with their favorite snack after
completing such tasks.
3) Teach Your Child Communication Skills And Good Manners
It is essential to teach your child good
manners and communication skills when they are still young. Not only will you
appreciate it, but others will also enjoy their company. Teaching them to say “please”
or “thank you” is an excellent way to begin developing good manners, whether
they are at home or in an external setting.
For instance, encourage your kid to say “thank
you” after receiving something from others. They should also strive to say “please”
before requesting anything from their peers or adults. Teaching your kid good
manners and communication skills also speaks volumes about your parenting
4) Enforce High Standards Of Hygiene
Enforcing high standards of cleanliness is
a prerequisite to ensuring your kid’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Implementing high hygiene standards often begins by encouraging your kid to
wash their hands before and after consuming meals to prevent bacterial
infections. While they might occasionally forget to live up to this rule, it’s
in your best interest to politely remind them, whenever the opportunity
presents itself.
High hygiene standards also involve teaching
your kid to wash their utensils after meals as opposed to leaving the dishes
unattended to. By washing their utensils, your kid exhibits responsibility and
maturity to ensure that hygiene standards are met.
Maintaining hygienic oral health should be
a focus, as well. It’s important to ensure that your kid brushes their teeth at
least twice a day.
5) Sleeping On Time
It’s understandable to want your child to
spend as much time learning and participating in physical sports. However, you
might want to strike the right balance between school work and games to ensure
that they sleep on time. Sleeping on time is widely proven to aid in memory
retention and to improve their emotional behavior. But more importantly,
adequate sleep also helps to prevent depression, obesity and high blood
As a rule, it’s highly advisable to adopt
an ideal sleeping schedule designed to help your kid realize their optimal
potential. This practice demands that you develop a regular sleeping pattern to
ensure that your child doesn’t wake up frequently during the night.
6) Encourage Outdoor Games
There has never been a better time to
encourage your kid to participate in outdoor games especially in today’s
digitized world. There’s nothing wrong with encouraging your kid to be
tech-savvy, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of their physical health.
Too much exposure to the Internet can lead
to obesity. This is largely caused by a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical
exercise. Your kid is also susceptible to consuming junk foods that are readily
available from nearby fast food joints.
Encouraging your kid to participate in
outdoor games aids in promoting healthy blood circulation, cognitive thinking
and the proper functioning of their muscles. Not only that, physically active kids
are more likely to yield excellent academic results when compared to lazy ones.
7) Developing Responsible Financial Planning
Developing a smart financial plan isn’t
reserved only for adults. It is vital to educate your kid to make responsible
financial decisions in today’s volatile world economies. By teaching your kid
smart financial planning, they shall be in a unique position to navigate the financial
world around them.
Teaching your kid to manage their expenses
while saving money is attributed to the creation of wealth. If you are worried
about your kid’s financial future, then don’t hesitate to learn and teach them
about smart financial planning techniques.
8) Avoid Littering In Public Spaces
Maintaining a safe and healthy environment
is crucial in ensuring your kid’s safety. As a parent, you must educate your
kid on how littering in public places symbolizes bad behavior. You can inform
them of the potential arrests they might face by littering at public areas. Therefore,
you should always encourage them to discard trash in a dustbin. Though, a basic
habit, this play a vital role in shaping their personality into responsible
9) Teach Your Child To Adopt Safe Practices
We live in a world characterized by various
individuals with different personalities. Hence, you can never know someone’s
motive when they approach your kid and hands them a gift. It is always best to
be cautious among strangers, assuming they will exhibit irresponsible behavior.
It’s critical that you train your kid to avoid accepting gifts from strangers
or visiting places without your permission.
Such practices might sound extreme, but
they are enforced with the best of intentions to ensure your kid’s safety at
all times.
Your kid should also feel free to discuss
strangers that exhibit an interest in them as opposed to shutting down in fear
of punishment. You can promote such open communication by paying keen attention
to their interests and needs as opposed to ignoring them which can lead to negative
10) Practicing A Sharing Mentality
Cooperation is an attribute associated with
successful professionals. Encouraging your kid to practice a sharing attitude
is a crucial step toward building synergetic relationships with others. By
sharing knowledge and material possessions such as toys, your kid is exposed to
the idea of sharing early on. This will equip them with the necessary skills
needed to thrive in a cooperative work environment.
By practicing a sharing mentality, your kid
will be able to leverage the skills of a group to achieve set goals and
objectives much faster than working alone.
Instilling good habits in your kid is an
essential process for your kid’s optimal growth. These good habits define their
interactions with others and set them up for achieving professional success in
adulthood. In short, good habits are a stepping stone toward realizing their
What other good habits do you think is important?
Share with us in the comment below.
Related Questions
good habits fixed once they are established? Good
habits are not permanent behavioral patterns. You can fall off a good habit while
picking up a bad habit in its place. Continuous maintenance of good habits
takes effort, as it is always easier to fall into bad habits than staying with
the good habits. Likewise, the flexibility of habits allows you to change your
kid’s good habits, as appropriate.
Are there
more good habits? There are many good habits. Some good
habits are specific to certain culture and societal norms. As such, feel free
to add good habits for your kid according to your specific environment.
good habits, habits, kid, Parenting
Casual writer on engaging education topics.
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