raising children, there are many factors that will affect their growth and
development. It is important to understand these factors to help your child achieve
a healthy growth and development. Being a teacher, it is a common question that
parent will ask. I have done some extensive research and categorized the smaller
aspects under three major factors to bear in mind.
affecting growth and development of a child:
Environmental factors
Biological factors
Interpersonal relationships
Below, I will
talk in detail on the three major factors affecting growth and development of a
child. Being aware of these factors and their smaller aspects can guide you to
better nurture your child’s growth and development.
1) Environmental Factors
factors refer to the external conditions
that affects your child’s growth and development. As a parent, there has never
been a better time to identify and provide the ideal external conditions for
your child.
Housing can
significantly determine your child’s ability to achieve healthy growth and
development. When it comes to housing, it’s advisable to analyze the following
factors and tweak them to provide optimal results on your child’s behalf.
Is there enough space to play and explore?
healthy growth and development goes way beyond studying various subjects in
schools. It demands providing ample opportunities for your child to play and
interact with their friends. Play is not
only fun but crucial in achieving healthy growth and development.
to seasoned scientists, play improves
memory, learning and intelligence which makes it much easier to recall
studied concepts either at home or school. Also,
play stimulates creative thinking and promotes balanced acquisition of visual
spatial skills and communication. So, the next time you find your child
playing with their friends, avoid scolding or grounding them as a form of
it’s in your best interest to ensure
that your housing premises are safe from hazardous contaminants, such as
lead. Such hazards are not only fatal but also contribute to loss of appetite,
weight loss, constipation and nausea.
benefits of having a stable stream of income for raising a child cannot be
stressed enough. It’s abundantly clear that children have varied needs that
ought to be met to ensure that they achieve healthy growth and development. Having adequate income to meet basic needs,
such as food, shelter and clothing are important.
Does your child receive enough nutrition?
your child with enough nutritional requirements brings you much closer to
attaining healthy growth and development. That
means providing them with a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins
and vitamins. However, you might want to ascertain whether your child is
allergic to certain foods to ensure their safety.
nutrition offers a multitude of benefits such as improved brain development
through vitamins A, B and C. Providing good nutrition also stimulates optimal
growth through calcium absorption proven to aid in optimal skeletal and muscle
growth. In short, good nutrition offers unlimited benefits for your child’s
growth and development and shouldn’t be substituted for anything else.
Is your family financially stable or experiencing
a high debt load?
Financial stability doesn’t just influence your
personal emotional stability and productivity, but your child’s as well. Based on proven findings, children
from financially stable families are more likely to attain healthy growth and
development, as compared to children from less privileged families. This sharp
contrast also sheds valuable insight on their subsequent performance in school.
from financially stable families are in a unique position to achieve healthy
growth compared to their needy counterparts. Such children have vast resources
at their disposal and lack any stress that might affect their development. On
the other hand, children from less privileged families must put up with the
occasional financial challenges meaning that certain needs might not be met.
For example, meals might be skipped regularly. This situation causes the child
to miss the much-needed nutrients for cognitive and physical growth.
To ensure
that your child doesn’t fall victim to malnutrition and stunted growth, you
might want to prioritize financial stability. It’s essential to consider your family
financially situation to safeguard your child’s development.
Education standards
standards play a vital role in influencing your child’s growth and development.
From an early age, it’s advisable to cultivate
a reading habit in your child to psychologically prepare them for the life
that awaits them. By implementing such a guideline, your child’s memory
retention and understanding will be much advanced compared to their peers in
that encourage literacy development from an early age are more likely to have
smarter children when compared to families that don’t practice this rule. By
exposing your child to a reading habit from a young age, they will be in a
unique position to grasp concepts taught in school and exhibit exceptional
critical thinking skills.
2) Biological Factors
As the name suggests, biological factors refer to hormone levels, brain chemistry and genetic influences that determine your child’s growth and development. As a parent, it’s your vested duty to understand how each biological factor is crucial in your child’s growth.
The general
healthcare offered pre and post conception will dictate your child’s
development into adulthood.
Was your child born prematurely or with a healthy
birth weight?
child’s weight post birth is a serious matter that deserves your attention. Being born large or relatively small is
linked to contraction of chronic diseases and obesity. That means your
child could be exposed to adverse health consequences that can derail any
meaningful growth and development. For instance, obesity is attributed to the
contraction of diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. To aggravate
the situation, your child is also exposed to decreased brain development that
hinders effective understanding and memory retention.
Mental Health
health is a crucial pointer that’s often overlooked when evaluating a child’s
proper growth and development. Over-emphasizing
on physical aspects of growth won’t yield excellent results when mental health
remains an overlooked consideration. Here’s how you should navigate mental
health with proficiency.
Does your child have a nurturing environment?
your child with a nurturing environment is a prerequisite to ensuring optimal
growth and development. It is essential
to create an ideal living environment characterized by love and support in the
pursuit of your child’s personal interests and skills. When your child
exhibits interest in a hobby, don’t hesitate to support them. Your support is
vital in nurturing an affectionate bond that can propel your child to healthy
How was the mother’s prenatal and post-natal mental
your child’s maternal mental health offers a unique insight into your child’s
capacity to achieve healthy growth and development. Based on proven research, mothers afforded with high-quality mental
healthcare prenatal and post-natal are more likely to raise healthy children.
This is attributed to the constant provision of balanced nutrition and
counselling by seasoned therapists. On the other hand, nutrition and
counselling deprived mothers stand a unique position to contract depression and
anxiety. Such conditions can be genetically transferred to the child in the
absence of prompt medical assistance.
Health Practices
The health
practices adopted by your family spell a distinct role in shaping your child’s
growth and development. These health practices often revolve around daily
habits both at home and school.
Does your child have a regular sleeping, eating
and playing habit?
Introducing your child to a specified playing, eating and sleeping habit is crucial in ensuring optimal growth. These habits must be introduced at an early age to ensure consistent growth and development. Eight hours of sleep daily and a four-meal plan should be enough to help your child realize optimal growth.
Are there parenting classes that provide information
on sleeping activity and nutrition?
availability of parenting classes is an added benefit to you especially when
you’re navigating the challenges of raising a child. When you consult parenting
experts, you will be in a unique position to understand the do’s and don’ts of
developing an ideal nutrition guide.
3) Interpersonal Relationships
relationships primarily delve on shedding insight into your child’s
relationship with their peers and adults. As a responsible parent, it’s in your
best interest to ensure that your child
develops excellent relationships with their peers and other adults.
Does your family have extended social networks
that they belong to?
presence of social networks in your family can yield more benefits than you can
imagine. Apart from eliciting mentally stimulating discussions, your family’s
social networks can boost your child’s eloquence and confidence when addressing
crowds. This makes it much easier to comprehend learned concepts in school and
offer ideal responses to various questions raised.
Is your child responsive to a specific parenting
Every child
is unique in their own way and as a parent; it’s in your best interest to understand your child’s preferred parenting
style. Often, children thrive when raised in an authoritative parenting
style. When you adopt this style of parenting, your child is more inclined to
comply with strict discipline and obtain the anticipated rewards.
The factors
affecting your child’s growth and development can be broken down into many smaller
aspects to take note. Each factor must be understood and taken into consideration.
Together, your awareness and actions to provide the most ideal factors for your
child, will determine their eventual growth and development.
Related Questions
Are there additional factors affecting growth and
development? There
are other factors specific to your current living environments that can affect
growth and development.
Can the factors be improved to encourage growth? The factors discussed are flexible enough to be improved from an under-performing setting to a thriving one. For instance, a malnourished child can be provided with balanced nutrition to improve their growth and development.
biological, Child development, environmental, growth and development, habit, interpersonal, Parenting
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