How Many Hours Should I Study? (Facts & Considerations)

Knowing how to manage your study hours is the most important thing for students. Students who manage time to meet deadlines for their homeworks, exams, activities, or projects perform well in school. However, studying for hours and hours is tiring for your body and brain.

How many hours should you study? There is no one size fit all. Every student has their own time, and how will they handle and manage it. Some people can study for long hours and days. Some do quick breaks during their study time. 

This article will give you the different techniques you can use to maximize your study time. Further reading will provide you with tips on how to plan your study time.

What is studying?

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As children, we learn the basics of life. How to keep alive, to be the best, to interact and cooperate with other people. It is a process of knowing and doing.

Studying is the act of learning and spending time discovering information. For example, you study math; you learn all the formulas, problems, and the given equation.

It means applying oneself to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or practice.

Studying gives you practical ways to approach real-life situations that you may encounter in life.  

Studying at school is vital because it will give you some essential life tips. Here are some reasons why learning at school is necessary.

  1. You learn the basics – school gives you the basics in learning alphabets, numbers, sounds, and arithmetic skills. It helps you to develop your cognitive and problem-solving skills.
  2. Access to knowledge – the world has plenty of expertise. At school, it helps us to understand this knowledge better and easier.
  3. Develop talents – the school is an excellent place to develop your abilities. It will guide you and motivate you to bring the best out of you.
  4. We learn from the masters – school allows you to interact with the master, your teacher. Teachers help you to break down complex problems into simpler ones.
  5. Chance to interact – school gives you an avenue to interact with other people. It is a place to meet new friends and colleagues. School can enhance your social skills by dealing with different kinds of people.

Importance of study time management

clock time

Time management for students refers to schedules that give them a proper amount of time according to their needs. Good study time management allows students to prioritize essential deadlines. It also allows you to work smarter. 

Planning your study time

Planning the schedule and amount of study time is important. It will help you be more productive, work smart, and less stressed.

Plan a schedule

Having a planned schedule will help you prioritize your projects and due dates.

Using multi-colored highlighters are good when planning your schedule. It lets you better remember what you read based on the paper’s colors. At one glance, you can easily see the projects and due dates.

Plan enough time for studying each subject 

You can’t study all subjects in a day, so gradually study and take lessons per hour. In between hours, set study breaks and rest for a while. This will give you a better comprehension and retention of your classes. 

Set a time in one place 

Studying in one place will help you be more focused on what you’re learning. Set a time when and where you will learn more efficiently and effectively. 

Create a study corner 

Some students want to have a peaceful and surroundings with good ambience when studying. Some need a little bit of noise for them to study. Experiment with different locations to find what kind of environment suits you.

Having a specific place or room to study is a motivation to finish your tasks

If you have a bedroom, find a place where you think you can concentrate on your studies.

Make sure you have all the needed things when you study. A study desk that is large enough to learn is essential. This will allow you to spread your books, learning materials, and study supplies as needed.

Minimize distractions

Phones, social media, friends are some of the distractions that you need to avoid when studying. Also, some students are easily distracted by their mobile phones ringing and vibrating. Turn off your mobile phones or set your phone to silent.  This is the best way to decrease your distractions.

Review and recite 

Reading your textbooks for hours will make you feel tired. You will not also understand any information that you’re reading. Reviewing and reciting critical information will help you know it well. Repeating the most important things over and over will help you memorize them. 

Gaining a deep understanding is to ask yourself questions and do practice tests—review lectures and reading within 24 hours. Spend at least one hour per class per week on reviewing. 

Organize your notes and lectures

Writing your notes and organizing them will help you to be productive. When you review your lessons, it’s also good to take down notes. Break it down into your understanding and read it once again. 

You can also try to take great notes. Simply write essential words or phrases that can easily be remembered.

Additional Considerations

Good sleep and rest

Studying when you are tired and sleepy is useless. If you feel that you are tired, then take a break. Sleeping early and taking naps is right for your body to rest.

A night of good sleep will help you better to remember the things you are studying. Remember, you are not a study robot. Your body needs adequate sleep and rest. 

The Pomodoro Technique

One of the best ways to set up a study routine is by using the Pomodoro Technique by Francesco Cirillo. Traditionally, it is a technique that follows 25 minutes in length and is separated by short breaks. It is one of the study techniques that many students are doing today. By using this technique, it does not cause a lot of stressful work to them. Also, it refrains them from being distracted.

Click Here to learn how to plan a successful revision for your exams.

Start on your tasks early

Doing your tasks early will make more time for you to study and do more. Starting early will lower your stress. Avoid cramming to meet the deadlines. 

Work on one thing at a time

Multitasking seems like you will be able to finish your tasks in no time, but doing too many things is not an effective way to learn. You must be doing one homework at a time. This helps you to focus and give your full attention to it. Focusing will help you finish earlier and efficiently than multitasking.

Do not worry about the time

Focus on the quality of your study. When you finish studying and reading your lessons for 3 hours straight, how much information have you gathered? Only some. Remember, 25 minutes of studying is much more efficient than a 3-hour study session. 

Some Study Tips

  1. Read your textbook for 20 minutes.
  2. Try mind mapping the topic. (Click here to read more about different ways to take effective notes)
  3. Spend 5 minutes explaining to your mom, dad, or wall on the issue you are studying without looking in the textbook.

Know your learning styles as a student

You need to consider your dominant learning style. By knowing this, you can maximize when you are planning your study time. You can use this to your advantage to learn your lesson quickly.

There are four different learning styles (VARK) by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills in their study in 1992. Let us take a closer look at these four learning styles.

  1. Visual Learners – this type of learner is best at learning knowledge and concepts thru the use of images presented to them. You are a visual learner if you are always a highlighter to remember ideas and words on your notes or books.
  2. Auditory Learners – this type of learner always finds success in group activities. This learner tends to read his work vocally aloud in front of a group.
  3. Reading/Writing Learners – this learner has a strong learning preference for written words. They usually take down notes during the class because they can easily break down the information needed. 
  4. Kinesthetic Learners – if you are a hands-on student, then definitely you are a kinesthetic learner. This learner usually excels in skills and lab work classes.

Click here to read more details about learning style.

Quiz to Discover Your Learning Style

Have you ever wondered what is your learning style? Click on “Take the quiz” to discover your learning style in a minute.


Studying has no limits on how many hours you are going to spend. It depends on you how you will use your time effectively and efficiently. Planning your study time will help you to be a better student. Hardworking students beat intelligent students.

Now, are you ready to study and plan out your study time? But before that, one last piece of advice,

Studying takes a lot of courage, patience, and diligence. Even if you plan your own study time, everything will be in vain without courage, patience, and perseverance. 

Related Questions

When is the best time to study? Make sure to come up with your best study time by choosing what part of the day. Some people like studying by day or at night when everyone is asleep.

Can I listen to music when I study? Yes, listening to music helps your brain to be stimulated. Many studies prove that listening to classical music helps stimulate our mind.

Click here to read more about the benefits of listening to music while studying.


College, learning style, student, Student tips, study guide, Study Tips, Studying


Casual writer on engaging education topics.

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