Whether you are a parent or a teacher, it’s in your best interest to know the differences between growth and development. Having a clear understanding of the two terms will help you in formulating appropriate learning styles to improve your child’s understanding.

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Being a teacher and parent, we will want to know the 5 stages of child development. Having an understanding of the 5 stages of child development can let us better prepare ourselves for interacting with a child appropriately.

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Getting good at handwriting is a worthwhile effort for everyone. In this article, we will introduce our essential methods to improve your handwriting.

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Homework isn’t just additional learning content but an effective strategy to test students’ comprehension of taught concepts. Since its introduction in the 16th century, homework has elicited various reactions with some advocating for it while others condemning it. Here, I will be highlighting the top 10 benefits of homework to convince you that homework has its place in education.

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